Conveyancing And Security Transactions
February 15, 2021
Conveyancing is defined as the transfer of legal title of real property from one person to another or the granting of an encumbrance such as a mortgage or a lien. In 2019, the Law Society Conveyancing Protocol was released and it provides details on the best practice in residential conveyancing transactions of freehold and leasehold […]

COVID-19: Implications for UK tax
June 26, 2020
In order to support businesses and allow them to function without disruption during the pandemic, the government has made several UK tax changes that will benefit businesses in the coming months. Many of these changes may be applicable to your business, which is why it is best that you study the changes in UK tax […]

How Can an Excessive Volume of Tax Disputes Be Dealt With?
June 11, 2020
Tax disputes can occur between tax collection entities like Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and taxpayers. While all involved parties would prefer resolving differences collaboratively and coming to an agreement following discussion, there are instances when differences or disputes cannot be solved easily. Such disputes may require legal action and the taxpayer may require […]

The Important Role of HM Revenue and Customs
June 2, 2020
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs or HMRC is the United Kingdom’s tax, payments, and customs authority. Their main purpose is to collect the money that pays for public services and helps families and individuals with targeted financial support. HRMC maintains impartiality in its services, ensuring that people get their tax right and don’t cheat the […]

The Main Importance of a Collective Agreement
May 27, 2020
Employment contracts are agreements formed between the employer and employee that cover employment conditions and employee rights, responsibilities, and duties. In addition to these agreements, the employer may also have an agreement with employee representatives like trade unions or staff associations. These are called collective agreements. Collective agreements facilitate negotiations of terms and conditions like […]

What Are The Methods Of Dispute Resolution?
May 14, 2020
Dispute resolution refers to various processes used to resolve a conflict, dispute, or claim and is an alternative to having a court decide the resolution of a case or contract. Many people opt for dispute resolution because they are cheaper and faster than traditional legal processes and are less formal. They have flexible rules and […]

What Rights Do Citizens Have In The UK?
May 11, 2020
Every citizen of the United Kingdom is entitled to fundamental rights. The Human Rights Act 1998 ensures that all citizens are treated equally, with fairness, dignity, and respect, and can be used by all UK residents, whether they are British citizens or foreign nationals. Having an understanding of your human rights is important. There could […]

Top 20 Employment Law Facts You Need To Know
April 27, 2020
There are a number of employment laws that employers must comply with but employees are often unaware of. This ignorance can lead to employees being taken advantage of and not knowing matters they should talk to an employment contract lawyer about. Many do not make an attempt to go beyond a quick read through a […]

What Should Be In A Contract Of Employment UK?
April 17, 2020
A contract of employment is an important agreement between the employer and employee that sets out the terms of employment. While many assume the contract of employment is merely a formality, it includes the various terms on employment conditions, rights, responsibilities, and duties. Many are unaware of just how binding a contract of employment is or if […]

What Is The Difference Between Corporate And Commercial Law?
April 4, 2020
If you recently started a business or plan to do so, you may have felt the need to look into the relevant laws and regulations that you must comply with. You may have spoken to Boutique Consulting Firms to get a clear and accurate idea about the law, but it’s quite likely that you merely looked up […]